
Fim da aventura SYTYC / The end of SYTYC adventure

by - setembro 13, 2013

Pois é, esta semana foi a última para o BonitoServiço no concurso So You Think You're Crafty. O tema era upcycle e havia imensos projectos engraçados. Alguém tem que sair a cada semana e esta semana fui eu. É claro que fiquei um pouquinho triste mas, o concurso é mesmo assim.
O meu projecto era o Crochet & Buttons Upcycle, que está na parede da minha sala e vai continuar porque confesso que gosto muito dele.

So this week was the last SYTYC week for BonitoServiço. The theme was Upcycle and there were a lot of great projects. Someone has to leave and this week I was the least voted so... Of course I was a bit sad but that is the way the contest goes.
My project was Crochet & Buttons Upcycle, which is on my living room's wall and will keep on being because, I confess, I like it a lot.

Obrigada pelos vossos votos e apoio.

Thanks for your votes and support.

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2 comentários

  1. Daniela, I loved your artwork. Crochet is such a beautiful art and I am inspired to frame some of my grandmother's work and hang it on the wall in my home. xoxo


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