
Do outro lado do oceano / On the other side of the ocean

by - novembro 17, 2013

Provavelmente repararam na inactividade do blog na ultima semana. Pois, estou do outro lado do Oceano Atlantico, e ja molhei as maos no Oceano Pacifico.
Fui as compras e nem imaginam o que encontrei, 5 moldes de costura dor 5 dolares! Weeee... que felicidade.
Depois mostro-vos tudo...

You have probably noticed the slow down on posts at the blog, the reason is that I am on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and I have already been at the Pacific.
I have gone shopping at the craft store and you know what I found? 5 patterns for 5$. I was so happy!
I will show you all after...

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